Known discography of TODD TRAINER
todd trainer is a MEMBER in ...
rate it rifle sportvoice of reason 198312" reflex (USA)
rate it rifle sportplan 39 19857" ruthless
No sleeve yet rate it breaking circusthe ice machine 198612" homestead
rate it breaking circussmokers' paradise 198712" homestead
rate it rifle sportwhite 198712" ruthless
rate it rifle sportlive at the entry, dead at the exit 198912" angry fish music
rate it flourluv 713 198912" touch and go
rate it brick layer cakeeye for an eye tooth for a tooth 199012" ep ruthless
rate it rifle sportprimo 199112" big money inc / ruthless
rate it brick layer cakecall it a day 199112" ep touch and go
rate it shellaclive in tokyo shellac record no.5 199312"
rate it shellacthe bird is the most popular finger shellac record no.3 19937" drag city
rate it shellacthe rude gesture a pictorial history shellac record no.1 19937" touch and go
rate it shellacuranus shellac record no.2 19937" touch and go
rate it brick layer caketragedy - tragedy 199412" touch and go
rate it shellacat action park shellac record no.4 199412" touch and go
rate it ...
v/a: double seven inch and comic book set ac/dc tribute series sides 1-4 shellac record no.7 19957"x2 skin graft / gasoline boost
rate it shellac1994 peel sessions 19957" no label
rate it schellackbilliardspielerlied shellac record no.6 19957" überschall
rate it ...
v/a: the lounge ax defense & relocation compact disc 1996CD touch and go
rate it shellacthe futurist shellac record no.9 199712" self-released
rate it shellac mulesplit 7" shellac record no.8 19977" laff & go / touch and go
rate it shellacterraform shellac record no.10 199812" touch and go
rate it shellac caesarsplit 7" shellac record no.12 20007" barbaraal
rate it shellac1000 hurts shellac record no.11 200012"+CD touch and go
rate it shellacpack of three 20017" kamikaze kid
rate it giddy motorsmake it pop 2002CD fatcat
rate it brick layer cakewhatchamacallit 2002CD touch and go
rate it shellacexcellent italian greyhound shellac record no.13 200712" touch and go
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